Saturday, September 24, 2011

Hola Nicaragua!

Yes, I am here...the travel was smooth. I am at the Mision Esperanza clinic with a few days to get adjusted before I dig in...Internet is down the road at another location and cell is sketchy...getting this blog entry in will be a sign that miracles do happen.  I am so happy that I am able to be in touch, even for a few minutes!

I will update as often as I can and really hope to hear from all the CMMB volunteers and keep up with your blogs too.

Blessings to all,

Saturday, September 17, 2011

CMMB orientation & On my way!

Just returned home from my Catholic Medical Mission Board orientation which was held at the Stella Maris Retreat in Long Branch, New Jersey. The location and facility was absolutely beautiful, situated on the shore. The weather was gorgeous and we all had the opportunity to enjoy the beach. Very peaceful and a wonderful place to have all of us new volunteers meet and share our histories and learn together some of what our journeys will entail over the next year. We met a few former and current volunteers who shared with us their stories and very valuable advice, toured the UN building, were treated to dinner in New York city, had lunch with the CMMB board members, and much much more!  To all the CMMB staff, Thank you for such a warm welcome and send off! The local parish, Holy Cross church has a special Mass and Blessings for all of us and an awesome banquet after mass where we met many of the people who so generously give to our missions. I could not of asked for or expected such a lovely experience.

I will be arriving in Managua on Thursday, September 22nd. Very excited and just about packed up!
Please follow along with me on my journey as I will be following as many of my fellow volunteers on their blogs. The more followers the more I feel motivated to journal and post pictures. This is an opportunity of a lifetime to serve the poor and marginalized communities in the world...I want to share it with everyone that I can.  And, please comment and let me know what you want to hear more about.

I will post photos from the orientation very soon as well.


“Because the loaf of bread is one...